Chem 542 Term Project

At the end of the semester you will give a presentation to the class. Each student should pick a topic related to the material covered in the course. The goal is to explore one of the topics at a deeper level. You will need to do some basic reading, which could be through text books and/or published material (mostly review articles). For this class you should not aim at covering recent research, but rather to gain some basic additional knowledge, which could be decades old. For example, one could discuss highresolution spectroscopy (lasers, dipole selection rules, spectra) or femtochemistry.
Once you have an idea, you should email me the topic, along with a couple of sentences on what you would like to cover. Lets have the topics finalized by March 19th. You would have approximately a month to read and prepare a short presentation to the class. Each presentation should be about 20 minutes long, with 5 additional minutes for discussion. All students will present their work during two class periods in late April.