Chem 540 Grading Policy

Students should attend the lectures during regular class time. Please don’t come to class if you feel sick. If you miss a lecture please email Professor Makri. You will be given the link to last year’s lecture. If Prof. Makri is unable to come to class, she will email you to attend remotely using the link provided to registered students.

You should make a serious effort to solve each homework problem before seeking help. If you are stuck, you may obtain help from other students, the teaching assistant, or the instructor. Working in groups is fine, but make sure you get a chance to think about each problem before you hear clues from someone else. Copying solutions from any source is strictly prohibited and will automatically result in zero credit for the entire assignment. Detailed solutions of the previous week’s assignment will be available each week.

All students are expected to turn in the homework on the day it is due. If you are unable to come to class but have finished the homework, please email it to Susan. In case of an emergency or serious conflict, homework may be turned in late for full credit only if such arrangements have been made in advance with Professor Makri. Otherwise, late homework will incur a 20% penalty per class day. No credit will be given for homework turned in after the solutions have been posted.

Grades for Chem. 540 will be calculated based on assignments and exams with the following weights:

  • Weekly homework        20%
  • Midterm exam 1           20%
  • Midterm exam 2           20%
  • Final Exam                     40%

Midterm exams cannot be made up. Please check your calendars and notify Prof. Makri during the first week of the semester of any serious conflicts with midterm exam dates for rescheduling.